Zecco is a well established penny stock broking firm. They promise you great value with no compromises.Free stock trades, low cost options trades, powerful tools, great customer service and a ground-breaking financial community.
You get 10 free stock trades every month when you maintain a $25,000 balance or execute 25 trades each month. Otherwise, it's just $4.50 per trade. There is no account minimum and no inactivity fees.

A comprehensive suite of trading tools to help you identify opportunities and stay on top of every twitch or jitter on the Nasdaq is also available at Zeeco.

And all this is dealivered with great, responsive customer service.

Scottrade makes it easy for you to trade penny stiocks online. Thgeir commission is $7 per trade and o.5% on n the value of penny stocks purchased. There is no inactivity fee but the minimum account size is $500.

Scottrade gives you in-person and online investment education,mobile trading & account access,real-time streaming quotes and interest on your cash balances.

Low trades operate as a discout broker. Their commission is is low starting from $4.95 per trade. There is an inactivity fee of $50  for accounts that trade less than twice a year. They have no minimum account balance. Other services include real life streaming etc. A directv quotation from their ste says:
"By simply providing quick, efficient, and reliable transactions, we are able to keep our "commissions among the lowest in the industry.

Sharebuilder has no account minimums and no inactivity fees. But their commission is not too competitive at $9.95 per trade.They have a six-part guide to teach new investors the basic of smart investing.