By Kum Martin
While working for money you should also make your money work for you. Money sitting in a bank account may provide a good sense of security but it is not giving you any benefits. Investing in stocks makes the money work for you and you could see considerable profits. If you are new to the stock market, then start by investing small amounts until you get a hang of the way the market functions. Also, invest in low risk investments so that you do not lose a lot of money.
Investing in stock market is not like gambling as most people think. There are no chances that you will completely lose your money. You will still get a part of your investment back even if you sell your stocks at a loss. Investing in a stock market is a continuous process and buying and selling is a part of it. You should concentrate on buying a stock when the price falls and sell when the price increases.
Start by investing in five or six types of stocks. Then sell them for profits after a short while and then invest in a few more. It is likely that the prices of the stocks may fall. So, in order to cut your losses, sell them before the price becomes too low. Do not expect that it will increase the next day. If the stock has been in the market for a long time, then it will have a specific cycle and the stock price when it falls will take time to get back into track.
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About Author:
Kum Martin is an online leading expert in finance industry. He also offers top quality articles like: []Stock Market Watch, []Private Equity Investment
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What about buy and hold not forever but it could be for a long periodof time. Their are stocks like petsmart that traded at 2 dollars a share 11 years ago now the stocks almost fifty. Also pricesmart traded at about 7 dollars a share about seven or eight ago now its almost around sixty dollars. Their are many other examples Apple computer traded ar only 5 dollars a share in 1998 now its over 400. These stocks are being held quite a long time generally speaking I would say four to six years would be about right as far as buy and hold go. I have a website where I have been following stocks under five dollars. I generally hold my stocks anywhere form 2 to 6 years.